A Clinical Ed Short Course

In this course, we will explore the influences of exercise and physical activity on musculoskeletal pain. For most of us, we understand that exercise is going to be beneficial and good for a person to try. Here we look at "why" exercise could be beneficial for someone experiencing pain,

This course forms a part of our Clinical Ed course, Pain in Practice, where we look further into "how" to apply what we learn into practice.

What we will explore

Part 1: Improve strength and improve pain? Here we investigate why building strength of the body's structure, may influence someones pain experience. Effects of strength and structure are usually measured over weeks to months.

Part 2: Loading the painful area. This section we reflect on loading the affected area, and what might occurring in the neurophysiology. This section we think about changes that could occur during an exercise session.

Part 3: Conditioned pain modulation. We look at what is conditioned pain modulation and what factors could influence someones ability to modulate their pain levels.

Part 4: Exercise induced hypoalgesia. What could be occurring during exercise that affects the body's endogenous opioid system.

Part 5: Fear and safety during movement. Why consider someones confidence, fear and pain memories, and how this might impact their pain experience.

Part 6: Psychological factors. Considering the implications on someones pain experience.

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