Course Overview

In people over 50, 66% have Osteoporosis or Osteopenia.

This leaves a large portion of the population at risk of falls, fractures and hospitalisation all of which can have a significant impact on quality of life and life expectancy itself.

The good news is that there are plenty of things that we can do to make a massive difference to our bone health and we are extremely excited to teach you about these!

In this course we will explore the back ground behind osteoporosis, some of the factors that affect bone strength and some of the key interventions to help make a difference.

At the end of the course you will have resistance, impact and balance training programs that you can implement at home.


This type of exercise involves the strengthening of bones and muscles through the use of bodyweight or external resistance and is often completed utilising, hand weights (dumbbells), resistance bands or exercise machines.


The research on impact exercise shows us that moderate to high impact exercises displays benefits to our bone strength with some potential benefits from lower intensity impact exercises such as walking.


Balance training is the transfer of bodyweight from one part of the body to another such as stepping from the left leg to the right, Or it can challenge specific aspects of the balance systems (e.g. vestibular systems) such as standing on one leg with your eyes closed.

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